Launch event CAMERA tool

Launch of the City’s Assessment for Mass Casualty Emergency Response (CAMERA) tool

How to take a snapshot of a city’s preparedness to mass casualties ?

Funded by Elrha, the CAMERA tool is the result of a three year study aimed at empowering urban communities and city managers by providing a tool to measure and score the life saving capability of their city’s health system in the immediate aftermath of a mass casualty event. The tool was tested for reliability in three high-risk cities (Fortaleza, Karachi and Port Harcourt) and validated with a disaster drill in two high-risk cities in low-middle income countries (Karachi and Port Harcourt). The CAMERA tool was designed to help city leaders gauge their own performance and guide future preparedness efforts without engaging in resource intensive exercises.

The online event has already taken place, the recordings are available HERE: 

In English HERE:

em português

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